66% MORE OMEGA 6 Omega 6: Lowers LDL, boosts HDL, and enhances insulin sensitivity for stable blood sugar. 90% MORE OMEGA 9 Omega 9 raises good HDL cholesterol, lowers bad LDL cholesterol, and reduces artery plaque, preventing heart attacks and strokes. 33 % MORE OMEGA 3 Omega-3 fatty acids are heart- healthy fats, known for lowering triglycerides, preventing heart disease and stroke, and offering potential benefits for conditions like lupus, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer.
WHEN COMPARED TO CONVENTIONALLY RAISED PORK, PASTURE-RAISED KUNEKUNE PORK HAS BETTER FAT QUALITY AND INCREASED NUTRIENTS. 2.8X MORE VITAMIN D Vitamin D safeguards against osteoporosis, heart disease, and supports immune function, mood, and various bodily processes, promoting overall well-being. 90-99% MORE VITAMIN E Vitamin E is an antioxidant crucial for organ function and a strong immune system.